The petition is now closed. To find out what you can do next visit this page.
Help us collect signatures for a parliamentary petition to save public housing!
The Greens are supporting a petition from a public housing resident, demanding that Labor stop the privatisation of public housing.
If we can collect 2000 paper signatures, this will trigger a special debate in the Parliament – holding Labor accountable for their plan to demolish all 44 public housing towers. This will put pressure on them to stop the demolition and to build more public housing.
Can you help us collect paper petition signatures in your community in the Southern Metro area? We only need 2000 to help us put pressure on the government to save public housing.
Click the button above to download and print a PDF copy of the petition. Translated versions of the petition preamble can be found here.
Parliament requires that signatures must be directly underneath the petition text, so that it is clear what people are signing. If you print your petition double-sided, please make sure you include the petition text (issue and action) at the top of every page.
Please return or mail the original pages to my office at 206-208 Bay Street, Brighton VIC 3186
If you would like my office to print off some copies of the petition for you, please email me at
Together, we can fight for the rights of public housing communities and save public housing in Victoria.