Katherine Copsey MP and other Greens MPs stand with protesters on the steps of parliament, opposing seismic blasting and offshore oil & gas

Ban Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling Stall: St Kilda Beach

We’re in a climate emergency, and we don’t need new oil and gas. The science is clear – to maintain a safe climate, we cannot open any new fossil fuel fields. It’s ridiculous for Victorian Labor to continue to support exploration for new offshore oil and gas fields when we know we can’t afford to burn them – we need to be finding ways to get off gas, not expanding production!

The precursor to offshore oil and gas drilling is an extremely damaging process called seismic blasting. Seismic blasting uses air cannons to search for oil and gas fields under the sea floor. These air cannons are as loud as atomic bombs, and blast every ten seconds, 24 hours a day, for weeks or months at a time, killing marine life and deafening whales.

The Greens have a Bill in parliament to ban new offshore oil and gas drilling in Victoria’s oceans.

Katherine Copsey MP and the team will be heading to the beach to chat to the community about this issue and grow our petition!

Join us to chat to residents, collect petition signatures and protect our oceans!

Where: The boardwalk near Shakespeare Grove Platform on St Kilda Beach

When: 10am-12pm on Friday 22 March

Everyone welcome. You don’t have to be a policy expert to have great conversations!

For more information, contact Piper Hogan on piper.hogan@parliament.vic.gov.au

Ban Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling Stall: St Kilda Beach


Event: RSVP st Copsey 20240322 Seismic
VIC - Issue - Climate Change, VIC - Issue - Climate Change - No More Coal and Gas
Event: RSVP Copsey

Event registration


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